I Love My BAHA (song)

I Love My BAHA (song)

My daughters love to sing along with the Frozen Movie soundtrack. My toddler wears a Bone Anchored Hearing Aid (BAHA), so she likes to insert the word “BAHA” in random places throughout the songs:
– Do you want a BAHA snowman?
– For the first time in for-BAHA
– The cold doesn’t BAHA me anyway

Her silly songs, inspired me to start writing parody songs about her BAHA hearing aid. Last summer, almost every weekend we would drive to the Lake. Since my husband was driving, I took advantage to re-write lyrics and sing to my captive audience. My kids complained, “can we just listen to the real Elsa?”

“I wanna kick my sister in the face!!”

I shared a couple short songs on my YouTube channel: “Do You Want a BAHA Snowman?” and “Let It Show.” Then I began working on: “On The Days I Wear My BAHA” to the tune of “For the First Time in Forever.” Which I then re-named “I Love My BAHA.”

At last, I was ready to record our song. My husband and I tried singing it together, but it turns out that two people who can’t sing, singing together, does not improve the situation.

Then I tried recording the song with my children. Which is ridiculous. “Please don’t kick the table while recording, because that creates annoying background noise.” and, “did you just sing ‘poop’? There is no potty-talk in this song.” and “stop fighting over my lap. There’s plenty of chairs for everyone.” It took a few attempts and a lot of editing.

Here are the lyrics to our song, plus in parenthesis are lines my toddler added while recording:

The full-length video includes pictures of children who love to wear their Oticon Ponto and Cochlear Baha hearing aids, and will be released in time for Valentine’s Day! Here is a little preview mini-video of my daughter singing, in all her cuteness:

Becky TheBahaMama

Becky TheBahaMama

I spend my time making Custom Softbands and Accessories for Ponto, AdHear and Baha hearing devices. I am also a published author. I wanted our daughter to see herself represented in a story - a little girl who has facial differences and wears BAHA hearing aids. The book grew to include some of our friends who are all so wonderfully different. My first book, “Wonderfully Different, Wonderfully Me” features a diverse group of children and celebrates each child’s unique strengths. All children can see themselves in at least one of the characters, whether they look similar, or have the same interests or personality. "Wonderfully Different, Wonderfully Me" is the children's book that belongs in every household and classroom, to promote inclusion, acceptance, and friendship. Order your copt at: wonderfullymebooks.com

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