DIY Softband using Velcro to hold your original block and BAHA

DIY Softband using Velcro to hold your original block and BAHA

00 ingredientSoftband ingredients

There are several components in order to make a custom softband which is adjustable, so 1-size-fits-all, and make it hold your BAHA hearing aid.

5/8 inch fold over elastic (FOE)

slide adjuster & rings size 5/8 inch. Color options are Clear, white, or black.

Velcro – I buy a strip of 5/8 in sew-on velcro and then cut it down to the size I need. About a 1/2 inch.

Your Original Block – you have to cut the headband which came with your hearing aid, in order to remove your original block.

Silicone Glue (takes 24 hs to dry) or Fabric Glue (dries fast, but is smelly until it dries) and or a sewing machine or needle and thread to hand stitch.

Lighter  to singe the ends of elastic to keep it from fraying.

Save time and money by ordering a DIY headband kit with elastic, o-ring, and slide adjuster from the Baha Bowtique on Etsy.


* Exact measurements vary depending on the size of your child’s head. This size fits my toddler and my preschooler. However a newborn may need smaller size and an adult may need a bigger size.

1) Measure and cut:

min velcro 1

  • 22 inches pattern elastic
  • 20 inches solid color elastic

min velcro 2

2) Singe ends with lighter so they don’t fray.

min velcro 3

3) Flip pattern elastic over and make glue dots to glue solid color elastic to the pattern elastic. 

min velcro 4

(The pattern elastic will stick out about 3/4 inch longer at each end.)

min velcro 5

4) Thread slide adjuster onto the end of pattern elastic and fold over. Glue and / or sew.

min velcro 6

5) Thread elastic through your original block (I have the Oticon Ponto block. Your block may look different if you have Cochlear Baha).min velcro

6) Fold over and thread elastic through slide adjuster.

min velcro 7

Now one side of your original block is attached 

minion velcro 1

7) Sew (or glue) velcro on the end of the elastic headband.

minion velcro 2

8) loop velcro around the other side of the original block.

min velcro 9

9) Snap hearing aid onto the original Block.

min velcro 10

Here’s a video showing how to put your original block on a velcro headband.

10) Optional:

Instead of threading your original block onto your softband, you can put a plastic ring on the softband.

min velcro 12

Then use 3 1/2 inches of pattern elastic and more velcro to hold the other side of your original block.

minion velcro 1

This way you don’t have to deal with the hassle of threading your original block on and off the softband.

min velcro 18

To make a Bi-lateral softband

* Exact measurements vary depending on the size of your child’s head. This size fits my toddler and my preschooler. However a newborn may need smaller size and an adult may need a bigger size.

1) Measure and cut for the front/top of the headband:

    • 16 Inches pattern elastic

  • 14 inches solid color elastic

Measure and cut for the back of the headband:

    • 8.5 Inches pattern elastic

  • 6.5 Inches color elastic

Do steps 2-8 for the front of the headband

Do steps 2-8 for the back of the headband

Attach the elastic from the front to the o-ring on the back and vice-versa.

Save time and money by ordering a DIY softband kit with elastic, o-ring, and slide adjuster.

Join the discussion about making Headbands for Baha Hearing Aids.

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Purchase custom softbands from the Baha Bowtique on Etsy

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Becky TheBahaMama

Becky TheBahaMama

I spend my time making Custom Softbands and Accessories for Ponto, AdHear and Baha hearing devices. I am also a published author. I wanted our daughter to see herself represented in a story - a little girl who has facial differences and wears BAHA hearing aids. The book grew to include some of our friends who are all so wonderfully different. My first book, “Wonderfully Different, Wonderfully Me” features a diverse group of children and celebrates each child’s unique strengths. All children can see themselves in at least one of the characters, whether they look similar, or have the same interests or personality. "Wonderfully Different, Wonderfully Me" is the children's book that belongs in every household and classroom, to promote inclusion, acceptance, and friendship. Order your copt at:

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